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Please consider donating towards COVID-19 relief efforts

By God's grace, we have been blessed with abundance that does not limit us in any way. However, some members of our community are not as fortunate - especially during this pandemic. In lieu of gifts, if you wish to make a donation, it would be our honor for you to donate to COVID-19 efforts. Please also bless us with your good wishes.

What are we doing?

We accelerated our efforts for fundraising to help with COVID and have partnered with SwaraVedika to help out.

Our efforts so far:

Details can also be found on Swaravedika . We have raised money towards helping with PPE kits, ration kits, lunches and masks for frontline workers and displaced workers in USA and India. Thank you so much for your generosity.

COVID Fundraiser details

What can you do?

You can donate to support this cause using any of the projects below. 

You can donate directly using the Paypal link below or online using above links. If you are donating online via Ladyship or Swaravedika, please write Mihika and Ruhika's Arangetram in the comment box in Paypal. All donations are tax deductible.

We would like to thank you and your family in advance for your act of altruism and philanthropy! 


Ruhika & Mihika

Fundraiser: About Us


Thank you

Today is a very significant milestone in our lives. We are privileged to have this opportunity to perform on this esteemed stage. It takes a village to raise a child, let alone, two. Many present here today have been instrumental in getting us on this stage today. Many encouraging words and a strong conviction together have nudged us along this challenging journey. We have enjoyed working closely with Kavi aunty and Aishwarya Didi who have played a myriad of roles these past years, including that of teacher, coach, friend, mentor, critic, sister and mother all wrapped into one. Finally, we would like to thank all of you in the audience for your help, encouragement and support - be it a kind word, help with this event, buying and carrying stuff from India or helping with schoolwork.


Mihika and Ruhika

Fundraiser: Text

©2020 by Mihika and Ruhika's Bharatnatyam Arangetram.

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